Quality homes to let in Swale
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Property Details
Garage No. 24 Ambleside,
Sittingbourne, Kent,
ME10 3BE
Currently Occupied
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Property Type: Secure Lock-Up GaragernGarage No.: 24rnLocation: Ambleside, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3BE (enter Ambleside, turn left and go to the end of the cul-de-sac to enter small block of garages)rnCondition: Very Dry | Very Clean rnRoof: CorrugatedrnWalls: BricksrnFloor: Concrete BasernDoor: Up & OverrnSecurity Lock: Dead bolt fitted with 10,000 Combination PadlockrnTerms: 3 months notice to terminate leasernRent: £???.00 per calendar quarter (equivalent of £??pcm/£??pcw) rnDeposit: £200 (refundable upon surrender of the lease) rnDimensions: (Internal: ????mm L x ????mm W x ????mm H | Door: ????mm H x ????mm W)rnrnAccess: Entry can be granted instantly after receiving the initial payment, therefrom you can be making use of the garage within a few minutes of confirming your desire to rent it.